
[This page will constantly be evolving and changing as I and this blog grow and evolve over time. So check back frequently.]

Takisha M. MillerIMG_2618
Interior Designer
Designer/Efficiency Director of Design Inspirations
Owner/Baker of Cake Seduction
CEO/Domestic Engineer at Miller Headquarters


I think composing a paragraph or two about yourself is one of the toughest things a person can do when they are not the best with words. I guess it can also be difficult when you are in the process of discovering yourself. I am a mother, a wife, a baker, an organizer, a designer, a free thinker, but not exactly in that order. I do spend a bulk of my time raising my child and interacting with my community of moms. But, my passion lies in design. I miss it so much! I usually end up putting myself in the position to organize play dates and create fun activities in order to compensate for that loss.

If we were to introduce ourselves to one another, I would tell you about how I was laid off, a week after my honeymoon. And how later that year, I started my own business making gourmet pound cakes using natural and organic ingredients. So, if you have met me after all of this has happened in my life, you may know me as a baker, an entrepreneur and now a mom. But, what you would probably be surprised to know, is that I actually define myself as an Interior Designer, who also has a passion for event planning. I did all of the planning for my wedding and envisioned starting my own business doing exactly that. But, of course, life has a funny way of putting you on the path you didn’t actually plan for yourself.

I spent a few years organizing, creating, and building my cake business. It always surprises people when I tell them that I would actually hire a baker to do all of the baking if I could afford it. I mean, I do love baking, but that rush I get from creating or building something just can’t be duplicating. And then there is the past year or so of my life as a mom, I have devoted everything I could to taking care of my child. I wouldn’t change anything that I have done so far, but being a stay at home mom has been draining for me. Now, I’m ready to combine all of the different parts of me into one.

This year (2014), I’m hoping to find balance in doing more design work or event planning, possibly revive my cake business into something more manageable, and continue to spend those special moments with my child. The challenge will definitely be in how I balance these things, but I think my soul deserves for me to give it a try!

check out my post about my Journey.

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